
清华附小爱学堂 六年级英语上册动画课 百度网盘下载

清华附小爱学堂 六年级英语上册动画课 百度网盘下载

清华附小爱学堂 六年级英语上册动画课 [视频]

六年级英语爱学堂清华附小课程,本课程共1.49G,可通过百度网盘转存下载或者在线播放此“清华附小爱学堂 六年级英语上册动画课”课程。


1.North south east and west~1.mp4 72.46M

10.what’s she like~1.mp4 61.65M

11.kind funny strict.mp4 54.31M

12.Helpful polite hard-working.mp4 68.03M

13.why is he famous.mp4 84.90M

14..what do you know about him.mp4 86.86M

15.He is great person.mp4 122.98M

16.My favorite famous person.mp4 93.72M

17.what are you going to do.mp4 49.28M

18.what are you going to do this weedend.mp4 38.33M

19.our holiday in Australia.mp4 160.46M

2.A famous City-Beijing~1.mp4 75.63M

20.a plan for my winter vacation.mp4 78.22M

3.what countries can you see on the map~1.mp4 53.95M

4.what countrise can you see on the map2~1.mp4 54.35M

5.what is he like~1.mp4 77.61M

6.Cao Chong Weighs the Elephant~1.mp4 104.25M

7.what should you do~1.mp4 53.14M

8.how do you feel~1.mp4 68.40M

9.what’s wrong with you~1.mp4 70.24M



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